Catering Supplies  Coffee might be just another drink to some people but to caterers and a lot of clients out there, coffee is sacred.  It's a way of life - it even has its own religious following.  There are a number of ways to mix coffee because of the variety of styles, handling , etc.  If you want to learn how to best serve your clients and guests the better cup of java then you need to learn about them.


Catering Supplies It's OK if you don't have access to your own roasting center.  It's even OK if your local market doesn't offer you any premium selections outside of the name brands ground up stuff.  The important thing is that you go the extra mile to make the perfect cup - you'll be able to impress your guests not only with your coffee brewing skills but also in your java knowledge.

Knowing the Varieties - Don't let all the fancy flavors, varieties and styles of coffee fool you - there are actually only two varieties of coffee bean for making coffee.  Arabica is the most popular roasted bean, coveted for the smooth mellow flavor and average caffeine content.  This is the best bean to use for your catering events.  The other is Robusta.  It's a high caffeine bean with high acidic content, making it a rather bitter coffee bean that delivers a solid kick to the teeth.

 Stainless Steel Coffee Pot - The Whole Bean Experience - When you catch a whiff of coffee, whether you're grinding the beans up or you're catching that blissful scent during the brewing, you're actually breathing in some of the flavor of the bean.  This happens because of the natural oils that escape into the air once you break into a coffee bean.  The more you can do to preserve that flavor the better the flavor will be.  That's why the flavor of freshly ground beans is so good, and that's why you should rely on freshly ground beans for your catering events.

Grinding Your Beans - you can't just throw whole beans into a coffee pot or a French press.  The water won't be able to fully penetrate the bean.  It would take far too long to leech the flavor from the bean, and by the time you had an appropriate cup, the flavor would be bitter.  Grind them fresh using one of two methods to get the most flavor from your bean:  Either get yourself a $20 simple grinder or invest the $200 on a Burr grinder.  Either way you'll get the best flavor from freshly ground beans.

 Tea Urn Storing Your Coffee - If anyone tells you to store your coffee in the freezer, slap them.  Coffee should be stored in a cool, dry environment in an air-tight container to lock in the freshness of the bean.  Exposure to temperature variances and moisture will cause your beans to turn bitter and you'll quickly lose the proper flavor.

Stainless Steel Coffee Pot  Stainless Steel Coffee PotEven simply breakfast events can benefit from quality catering supplies like a stainless steel coffee pot or quality tea urn.  Are you still struggling to make an impact with older catering equipment?  Click to contact us at and discover the difference new supplies can make.